I have did not have a clue even I had done a lot of research.so
I’ve decide to take some advice from my senior who have almost completed his
charging system project. After having some discussion, talking about the
software and hardware and the components they were using, I had finally
decided to setup the circuit using components that have the capabilities to
work well. This week, I have to find the research about methodology; from
discussion with senior I have the idea to find the method for the methodology and
solve the problem that we have.
Proteus ISIS 6
Professional is used to design the circuit and simulate it. After completing the circuit assembly and configuration,
its time to verify whether the source code compiled is virtually accurate or not.
The source code is designed by using PICC Lite Compiler with MPLAB IDE which is
widely used by most of the programmers where their project is related to
PIC-based system or microcontroller. When the simulation successfully runs, this means
that the circuit can be constructed
and soldered on PCB board. Then, the circuit will
be tested and troubleshooting may necessary taken to overcome those circuitry problems.
After all done without error, the circuit will be packaged and the users may
ready to use.
Microcontroller LCD Display - Source Code :-
// Project :DIY Project (PR9- Keypad door security)
// Project description :PIC18F877A + 4x4 keypad + LCD are used to build a keypad door
// security system which will activate the relay and buzzer after
// a preset 6-digit password is entered.
// LCD will display ****** when keypad is pressed.
// preset password for this program is 123456
// include
#include <pic.h>
// configuration
__CONFIG ( 0x3F32 );
// define
#define rs RC0
#define e RC1
#define led_red RC3
#define led_yellow RC2
#define lcd_data PORTD
#define relay RB1
#define buzzer RB2
// function prototype
void delay(unsigned long data);
void send_config(unsigned char data);
void send_char(unsigned char data);
void e_pulse(void);
void lcd_goto(unsigned char data);
void lcd_clr(void);
void send_string(const char *s);
void clearrow1(void);
void clearrow2(void);
void clearrow3(void);
void clearrow4(void);
void scancolumn1(void);
void scancolumn2(void);
void scancolumn3(void);
void scancolumn4(void);
void beep_once(void);
void beep_twice(void);
// global variable
unsigned char password_count=0;
unsigned char keyin_char[6]; // Declare an array to stall the 6-digit key in password
unsigned char stalled_char[6]="123456"; // Declare an array to stall the 6-digit desired password
// main function
void main(void)
ADCON1=0b00000110; //set all portA pins as digital I/O
TRISA=0b11001111; //clear bit 4&5 portA as output and set the rest as input
TRISB=0b00000000; //set portB as output
TRISD=0b00000000; //set portD as output
TRISC=0b11110000; //set bit4-7 portC as input(connected to 4 row of keypad)
TRISE=0b00000000; //set portE as output
send_config(0b00001001); //clear display at lcd
send_config(0b00000010); //Lcd Return to home
send_config(0b00000110); //entry mode-cursor increase 1
send_config(0b00001100); //diplay on, cursor off and cursor blink off
send_config(0b00111000); //function
lcd_clr(); //clear LCD
delay(1000); //delay
lcd_goto(0); //initial display
send_string("PLEASE ENTER"); //Display "PLEASE ENTER" on lcd
lcd_goto(20); //Display on 2nd line
send_string("6-DIGIT PASSWORD"); //Display "6-DIGIT PASSWORD" on lcd
{ //keypad scanning algorithm
clearrow1(); //Clear 1st output pin and set the others
scancolumn1(); //scan column 1-4
clearrow2(); //Clear 2nd output pin and set the others
scancolumn2(); //scan column
clearrow3(); //Clear 3rd output pin and set the others
scancolumn3(); //scan column
clearrow4(); //Clear 4th output pin and set the others
scancolumn4(); //scan column
(keyin_char[4]==stalled_char[4])&&(keyin_char[5]==stalled_char[5])) //compare the keyin value with stalled value to test whether password is correct
lcd_clr(); //clear lcd
send_string("SUCCESS!"); //display SUCCESS
led_yellow=1; //yellow light on
relay=1; //relay on
beep_once(); //beep one time
while(1); //infinity loop
lcd_clr(); //clear lcd
send_string("ERROR!"); //display ERROR!
led_red=1; //red light on
beep_twice(); //beep two time
while(1); //infinity loop
// scanning functions
void clearrow1(void) //clear the 1st row and set the others
RE1=0; //RE1,RE0, RA5 and RA4 are the output pins from PIC which connect to 4 pins of keypad
void clearrow2(void) //clear the 2nd row and set the others
void clearrow3(void) //clear the 3rd row and set the others
void clearrow4(void) //clear the 4th roe and set the others
void scancolumn1(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '1' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='1'; //Stall the '1' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '2' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='2'; //Stall the '2' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '3' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='3'; //Stall the '3' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'A' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='A'; //Stall the 'A' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
void scancolumn2(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '4' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='4'; //Stall the '4' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '5' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='5'; //Stall the '5' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '6' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='6'; //Stall the '6' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'B' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='B'; //Stall the 'B' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
void scancolumn3(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '7' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='7'; //Stall the '7' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '8' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='8'; //Stall the '8' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '9' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='9'; //Stall the '9' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'C' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='C'; //Stall the 'C' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
void scancolumn4(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '*' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='*'; //Stall the '*' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '0' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='0'; //Stall the '0' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '#' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='#'; //Stall the '#' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'D' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='D'; //Stall the 'D' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
// General Purpose functions
void delay(unsigned long data)
for( ;data>0;data-=1);
void beep_once(void)
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off
void beep_twice(void)
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off
// LCD functions
void send_config(unsigned char data)
rs=0; //clear rs into config mode
void send_char(unsigned char data)
rs=1; //set rs into write mode
void e_pulse(void)
void lcd_goto(unsigned char data)
void lcd_clr(void)
void send_string(const char *s)
unsigned char i=0;
while (s && *s)send_char (*s++);
// Project :DIY Project (PR9- Keypad door security)
// Project description :PIC18F877A + 4x4 keypad + LCD are used to build a keypad door
// security system which will activate the relay and buzzer after
// a preset 6-digit password is entered.
// LCD will display ****** when keypad is pressed.
// preset password for this program is 123456
// include
#include <pic.h>
// configuration
__CONFIG ( 0x3F32 );
// define
#define rs RC0
#define e RC1
#define led_red RC3
#define led_yellow RC2
#define lcd_data PORTD
#define relay RB1
#define buzzer RB2
// function prototype
void delay(unsigned long data);
void send_config(unsigned char data);
void send_char(unsigned char data);
void e_pulse(void);
void lcd_goto(unsigned char data);
void lcd_clr(void);
void send_string(const char *s);
void clearrow1(void);
void clearrow2(void);
void clearrow3(void);
void clearrow4(void);
void scancolumn1(void);
void scancolumn2(void);
void scancolumn3(void);
void scancolumn4(void);
void beep_once(void);
void beep_twice(void);
// global variable
unsigned char password_count=0;
unsigned char keyin_char[6]; // Declare an array to stall the 6-digit key in password
unsigned char stalled_char[6]="123456"; // Declare an array to stall the 6-digit desired password
// main function
void main(void)
ADCON1=0b00000110; //set all portA pins as digital I/O
TRISA=0b11001111; //clear bit 4&5 portA as output and set the rest as input
TRISB=0b00000000; //set portB as output
TRISD=0b00000000; //set portD as output
TRISC=0b11110000; //set bit4-7 portC as input(connected to 4 row of keypad)
TRISE=0b00000000; //set portE as output
send_config(0b00001001); //clear display at lcd
send_config(0b00000010); //Lcd Return to home
send_config(0b00000110); //entry mode-cursor increase 1
send_config(0b00001100); //diplay on, cursor off and cursor blink off
send_config(0b00111000); //function
lcd_clr(); //clear LCD
delay(1000); //delay
lcd_goto(0); //initial display
send_string("PLEASE ENTER"); //Display "PLEASE ENTER" on lcd
lcd_goto(20); //Display on 2nd line
send_string("6-DIGIT PASSWORD"); //Display "6-DIGIT PASSWORD" on lcd
{ //keypad scanning algorithm
clearrow1(); //Clear 1st output pin and set the others
scancolumn1(); //scan column 1-4
clearrow2(); //Clear 2nd output pin and set the others
scancolumn2(); //scan column
clearrow3(); //Clear 3rd output pin and set the others
scancolumn3(); //scan column
clearrow4(); //Clear 4th output pin and set the others
scancolumn4(); //scan column
(keyin_char[4]==stalled_char[4])&&(keyin_char[5]==stalled_char[5])) //compare the keyin value with stalled value to test whether password is correct
lcd_clr(); //clear lcd
send_string("SUCCESS!"); //display SUCCESS
led_yellow=1; //yellow light on
relay=1; //relay on
beep_once(); //beep one time
while(1); //infinity loop
lcd_clr(); //clear lcd
send_string("ERROR!"); //display ERROR!
led_red=1; //red light on
beep_twice(); //beep two time
while(1); //infinity loop
// scanning functions
void clearrow1(void) //clear the 1st row and set the others
RE1=0; //RE1,RE0, RA5 and RA4 are the output pins from PIC which connect to 4 pins of keypad
void clearrow2(void) //clear the 2nd row and set the others
void clearrow3(void) //clear the 3rd row and set the others
void clearrow4(void) //clear the 4th roe and set the others
void scancolumn1(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '1' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='1'; //Stall the '1' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '2' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='2'; //Stall the '2' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '3' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='3'; //Stall the '3' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'A' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='A'; //Stall the 'A' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
void scancolumn2(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '4' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='4'; //Stall the '4' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '5' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='5'; //Stall the '5' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '6' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='6'; //Stall the '6' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'B' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='B'; //Stall the 'B' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
void scancolumn3(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '7' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='7'; //Stall the '7' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '8' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='8'; //Stall the '8' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '9' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='9'; //Stall the '9' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'C' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='C'; //Stall the 'C' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
void scancolumn4(void)
if(RA0==0) //if key '*' is being pressed
while(RA0==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='*'; //Stall the '*' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA1==0) //if key '0' is being pressed
while(RA1==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='0'; //Stall the '0' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA2==0) //if key '#' is being pressed
while(RA2==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='#'; //Stall the '#' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
else if(RA3==0) //if key 'D' is being pressed
while(RA3==0)continue; //waiting the key to be released
if(password_count==0)lcd_clr(); //Clear the LCD if the key is the 1st password
lcd_goto(password_count); //The cursor of LCD points to the column equivalent to the value of password_count variable
send_char('*'); //Display the symbol '*' at LCD
keyin_char[password_count]='D'; //Stall the 'D' value at the keyin_char array
password_count+=1; //increase the Password_count variable's value by 1 and the result stall back to the variable
// General Purpose functions
void delay(unsigned long data)
for( ;data>0;data-=1);
void beep_once(void)
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off
void beep_twice(void)
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off
buzzer=1; //buzzer on
buzzer=0; //buzzer off
// LCD functions
void send_config(unsigned char data)
rs=0; //clear rs into config mode
void send_char(unsigned char data)
rs=1; //set rs into write mode
void e_pulse(void)
void lcd_goto(unsigned char data)
void lcd_clr(void)
void send_string(const char *s)
unsigned char i=0;
while (s && *s)send_char (*s++);
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